7 Encouraging Facts About Tooth-Saving Root Canal Therapy

Learning that you need a root canal isn’t the most joyful news. However, it is important. Getting the root canal therapy you need can bring a range of short- and long-term benefits. Fortunately, the procedure probably isn’t as daunting as you might imagine.
Our expert team at Swinney Dental in Tyler, Texas, provides root canal therapy to help restore your dental health and well-being.
If you’re nervous about your upcoming root canal, take the following encouraging facts to heart.
1. You won’t feel a thing
Root canals are performed using a local anesthetic, which prevents discomfort or pain. Before your procedure, we apply a topical numbing agent and inject a medication to numb the affected tooth and surrounding gums.
2. We can calm your nerves
If you’re prone to dental anxiety, you can opt to receive nitrous oxide sedation. Also known as “laughing gas,” this gentle therapy allows you to breathe in a calming medication that keeps you at physical and emotional ease.
3. Root canals are very common
More than 15 million root canals are performed annually in the United States, making them a routine procedure. So you can rest easy knowing this isn’t a rare procedure.
4. Root canals are safe
While the myth has circulated that root canals lead to serious disease, that’s a false claim. Root canals are among the safest dental procedures, with only rare complications. They are not linked to diseases like cancer.
5. Root canals bring significant relief
A root canal removes the damaged or infected pulp from your tooth. Since inflamed pulp is what causes the pain, the toothache that brought you to our office will diminish after a root canal.
Any pain you experience after your root canal should be mild, similar to discomfort from a simple tooth extraction or filling. In fact, most people feel less pain after a root canal than before.
6. Root canals can save your teeth
Adult tooth loss is common in older adults. While ignoring an infected tooth can lead to tooth loss, a root canal can save it.
A root canal may even preserve the surrounding teeth, given that losing one tooth raises the risk of problems in the others. That means there’s less risk of needing more in-depth restoration, such as dental implants, later on.
7. You’re in the hands of experienced professionals
Our experts at Swinney Dental are well-trained and experienced in providing root canal therapy. State-of-the-art imaging technology and cone beam tomography allow us to perform precise, effective, and gentle treatment.
Get treatment for your infected tooth. To learn more about root canal therapy or get the treatment you need, call Swinney Dental today. You can also schedule an appointment using our convenient online booking feature.
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